ZamZam Net School: a British online learning centre
ZamZam Net School delivers a fully interactive, British education in the comfort of your own home, or wherever you may find yourself. Our unique online school offers top-quality education for students for students aged 7-16, and offers Key Stage 2, Key Stage 3, and IGCSE courses, delivered by a faculty made up of experts in the field. We offer you everything you would expect from a school...plus a whole lot more!
What type of student attends ZamZam Net School?
There are several reasons why students particularly value online education and supported Home Education as a serious alternative to attending physical schools and colleges:
Worldwide residents / expatriates who want a quality British-style education, or live too far from local providers
Disability or health issues (relating either of to student or to a close family member)
Confidence issues, perhaps associated with bullying in a mainstream school
High achievers and independent learners who often have less common learning styles
Religious or social principles
A combination of any or all of the above factors​
What are the advantages of attending ZamZam Net School?
The student benefits from being taught by a competent, professional and dedicated team.
The student has more time to spend with family and for non-school activities, and can attend school even whilst away from home or on vacation.
This form of schooling is efficient - students spend all of the class time learning, not waiting for the teacher to deal with distractions like disciplinary issues, dolling out text books and homework sheets, collecting them in, and the like.
Work done in class may be revised immediately afterwards, in the student's free time.
The scope for copying peers is reduced.
It is often cheaper than attending a local expatriate British school, or a boarding school far from home.
It can be used in combination with other educational provision such as home schooling.
The student is less likely to be exposed to viruses and other common illnesses.
There is no need to spend money on transport to and from school, nor on expensive uniforms.
Every aspect of the student experience will be as the student and their family wish, even down to the food they eat for lunch.
If the student should find that online education is not for him or her, it is very easy to withdraw, or to study just a few subjects rather than the whole range on offer.